CAB202 - Microprocessors and Digital Systems

Dr Mark Broadmeadow

Semester 2, 2022


Lecture notes download: CAB202 Lecture Notes PDF

Exam notes download: CAB202 Exam Notes PDF

This repository provides lecture notes and exam notes for CAB202 - Microprocessors and Digital Systems.

The contents of the lecture notes are described below.


  1. Architecture of a Computer

  2. Microprocessors & Microcontrollers

  3. ATtiny1626 Microcontroller

  4. AVR Core

  5. Status Register

  6. Program Execution

  7. Instructions

  8. Interacting with memory and peripherals

  9. Assembly code

  10. Digital Systems

  11. Representation

  12. Unsigned Integers

  13. Signed Integers

  14. Logical Operators

  15. Bit Manipulation

  16. Arithmetic Operations

  17. Logic Levels

  18. Electrical Quantities

  19. Electrical Components

  20. Digital Outputs

  21. Microcontroller Pins

  22. Interfacing to Simple IO

  23. Registers

  24. Flow Control

  25. Labels

  26. Absolute and Relative Addresses

  27. Branching

  28. Loops

  29. Delays

  30. Memory and IO

  31. Stack

  32. Procedures

  33. Main Function

  34. Statements


  36. Declaration

  37. Initialisation

  38. Types

  39. Integer Prefixes

  40. Integer Suffixes

  41. Floating Point Suffixes

  42. Character and String Literals

  43. If Statements

  44. While Loops

  45. For Loops

  46. Break and Continue Statements

  47. Operation Precedence

  48. Arithmetic Operations

  49. Operator Types

  50. Assignment

  51. Multiple Assignment

  52. Compound Assignment

  53. Bitwise Operations

  54. Relational Operations

  55. Logical Operations

  56. Increment and Decrement

  57. Includes

  58. Header Files

  59. Definitions

  60. Addressing

  61. Dereferencing

  62. Strings

  63. Qualifiers

  64. Arrays

  65. Functions

  66. Scope

  67. Accessing Registers

  68. Type Casting

  69. Floating Point Types

  70. Structures

  71. Unions

  72. Bitfields

  73. Interrupts and the AVR

  74. Assembler

  75. Compiler

  76. Object Files

  77. Linker

  78. Debugging

  79. Configuring Hardware Peripherals

  80. Timers

  81. Pulse Width Modulation

  82. Analog to Digital Conversion

  83. Serial Communication

  84. Serial Communications on the QUTy

  85. Pushbutton Handling

  86. State Machine Implementation

  87. Enumerated Types

  88. Switch Statements

  89. Serial Protocol Design

  90. Serial Protocol Parsing

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